Friday, October 1, 2010


This is my first weekend since school started and I needed it.  With all of the level swapping and everything, this was a very stressful week.  Also, I have something like nine pages of vocabulary to memorize and quite a bit of homework, as well.  It's what I wanted, so I'm not complaining.  I'm just impressed at how much stuff we're getting at a time.  I've never had a class like this one.  It's pretty exciting, though.  Already, when I'm walking around or in stores and whatnot, I am now starting to hope people talk to me instead of fear it.  It's a strange metamorphosis, but I'm glad it finally happened.

Tomorrow is another trip to Akihabara.  That place never gets old.  I'm not even sure if we have a reason to go, this time.  I think we just wanted to hang out with some of the LEPs and Nao.  Sounds good enough to me.  This is short, but I need to sleep or I'm going to fall over.

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