Sunday, October 3, 2010


I thought it would be cool to make a blog title that was the name of an annoying song.  I mean, I had to get the song stuck in my head in order to get it stuck into yours, so I don't really feel bad about it.  Although, as soon as I had the idea, the song got stuck in my head so it wasn't like I could not post it, then.  Otherwise, I would have gotten the song stuck in my head for nothing.  I'm just glad I can still annoy people, even if I don't get to enjoy the aftereffects.  I'll just have to know deep down inside that sometime, somewhere you are humming this song for a minute and then realizing it and then being angry and then happy because you know that annoying moment was a present from me.  Free shipping.

So, today I resisted the outdoors for a good long time, but was eventually thwarted.  I realized that I needed bananas or I wasn't going to get to eat breakfast tomorrow.  I also had no more coffee milk and that has become a staple for my morning meal: 1 egg, 1 banana, 1 bunch of coffee milk.  That is the breakfast of champions.  If Rocky had been to Japan, he would have been eating my breakfast instead of his awful uncooked eggs.  If I had a blender, I would make a protein shake with my egg-banana-coffee-milk combination.  It would be amazing.  Unfortunately, like almost other kitchen tools I am without, the blender lives only in my imagination.  Oh what a world it would be if this world included more than one burner.  Every time I try to think of food to make, I realize that if I wanted to make a halfway decent meal, it would take four times as long as it would with even one more burner.  I don't even have a decent sized pot to cook noodles in or a colander to strain them in once they are done.  I guess I'll just have to keep eating sushi.

About half the time I speak with Japanese people, they don't understand me.  I'm starting to think that it's more that they won't understand me.  Not on purpose.  I'm sure they'd rather understand what I'm saying immediately, but I think that since they're expecting incomprehensible gibberish, they don't understand my Japanese.  It just seems like enough people do understand me that it's hard to understand why the few people that don't, don't.  I will say that half of the learning I've been doing is learning which word is the right word.  For instance, when I ordered coffee the first time, they asked what size I wanted.  I, of course, said "ookii," which means "big" or "large."  The girl at the register looked at me like I was a 5 year old.  As it turns out, the three sizes here are "esu, emu, elu," as in, "S, M, L."  Now that I know that, I can order pretty much anything with a size without a problem, but I've had other people do it the other way where they want the actual adjectives.  The thing is, if there are places which do it either way, why would it be confusing if they had one person order wrong in the wrong instance?  Maybe no one who's worked at a coffee shop has also worked at a McDonald's. 

I'm really looking forward for the time that I'm done making silly blunders.  At least for the time that the frequency of those blunders is lessened.

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