Thursday, October 7, 2010

Flash Cards.

We got a new vocabulary list today and I decided it was time to make flash cards.  So far, I'd done alright just seeing the words and using them a few times, but this new list has all kinds of obscure words that I can't ever see myself using.  I'm not sure if I've ever really used the word mayor.  There was the time that Kyle was involved with all the mayor drama, but that was a pretty isolated incident.  I'm reasonably sure that I won't be talking about mayors here.  I'm not saying that I don't want to learn obscure words.  I'm trying to say that it's going to be difficult because I have little to no context or opportunity in which to use them.

In the last day or so, my computer has started making this neat noise like it's trying to juice a carrot.  I'm reasonably sure that it's not actually juicing anything, but the sound is pretty convincing, so I have been keeping a cup on hand just in case it is juicing, so I can avoid a mess.  I despise cleaning up carrot juice.  I'm hoping that the noise is going to go away on its own because I have absolutely no way to fix it and no way to obtain another laptop should this one die.  I may be able to find a cheap one somewhere, but I'd rather not spend any money on it.  As it is, I'm afraid I won't have the money I will need, so I would rather my computer doesn't exacerbate my already looming money problems.

I found out that I can work 28 hours per week on a student visa, but I am currently incapable of getting a job because of the language barrier.  I'm hoping that I can try to get a job at a coffee shop or something after the first semester.  That would be tremendous practice and I would really enjoy the extra cash.  I'm just not sure how easy or difficult it is to get a job.  I've heard that it's not super difficult, but we are required to speak a decent amount of Japanese.  Apparently, speaking English is a huge bonus though.

Maybe I can get a job at a maid cafe.


  1. On the other hand if your puter is juicing a carrot - less money you have to spend on drinks... ;) Im sure you will do ok and as far as obscure words go, Eddie Izzard talks about learning french in one of his stand ups --


  2. Ok, so I totally love that you put something about getting a job at the maid cafe because that is exactly what I was picturing the whole time I was reading that paragraph and it made me giggle ^_^. But I was picturing you dressed as a maid so we may or may not be on the same page ^_~.
    You should love to learn obscure words. You like random obscure words in English. I'm pretty sure that you just use those to make people give you funny looks though.
    And you should TOTALLY work somewhere awesome. I guess working anywhere in Japan would be awesome though. And you'll have more fun work stories to add to your collection.
