Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I spent the better part of today completely exhausted and woefully incoherent in so far as my Japanese language abilities are concerned.  I did manage to order some coffee without looking too stupid, but that was the crowning achievement of may language use for the day.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's from spending vast hours of my day playing Civilization instead of studying and then going to bed and only getting six or seven hours of sleep.  That very well could be the case.  Either way, I have decided that I won't be playing Civ as much throughout the week.  I've beaten several campaigns now, so my urge to play is waning.  My most recent conquest was a cultural victory as Ghandi where I had my win before the 50s.  Not too shabby, in my opinion.

I decided not to play any video games today and to see what that did to my productivity.  At the end of the day, I managed to catch up on all of my homework, exercise, go to the Bunkyo ward office and get my alien card(which is sweet, btw), and study.  I am even writing in my blog before midnight.  My day was so productive that I decided to invent an awesome corporate buzz word for it: Suprafunctionalization.  I normally don't change my colors and bold things, but I feel that a word like Suprafunctionalization deserves color and boldness.  I feel like I can now accomplish my goal of working as a bigwig in a company.  Maybe I can get a sick job at Pizza Hut.  They could and have done a lot worse than me as a corporate bigwig.

Oh.  My card.  It's really neat.  It's pretty much just and I.D. card like any other, but it's really super awesome because it's Japanese.  I feel all citizeny.  I mean, it clearly says that I'm an alien.  Maybe I can get adopted by the Tanners.  I guess it would have to be the Japanese equivalent to the Tanners.  I don't know why I have it in my head that there is a Japanese equivalent to everything.  It could be that the only way the human brain can cope with living in a strange place is by seeing it as a mirror image of where they're from, but that sounds like voodoo witch magic craft lies to me.  I'm probably just insane.
I need to go to the International Student Office and drop my Saturday class.  I just don't want them to be hating on me for dropping a class for no reason other than I don't want to go to class on Saturday.  It could be an ice cream eating class held at a strip club where all of the tables are made of money and the chairs are giant marshmallows and I still wouldn't want to go because it's on Saturday.  I don't know about you, but where I come from, Saturday school is a punishment for people who skip class all the time.

I guess it's time for sleep and bed.



  1. I broke it. No more color for me.

  2. I whole-heartedly agree about the whole Saturday thing. Unless ... the agreement was 1 Saturday class if you don't have to go any other day of the week. Then, I might agree to it.

  3. Did they cut your head off in the ID too? I'm pretty sure the top of your head missing on your ID makes my world.
