Monday, September 20, 2010

Manga FTW.

I made my first purchase of manga, today.  It's hard to believe that I had advanced so far in my nerdhood having acquired no manga.  I don't think that the acquisition of manga is necessary for the proper growth as a nerd, but I feel like if I were to be likened to that of a physically malformed creature, I would have one leg longer than the other or a missing toe or two.  I'm essentially an eight toed nerd right now, and now I need to read vast amounts of manga in order to grow my last two toes.  I've not read much of the manga that I purchased, but from what little I've read, this should be the funnest toe growing I've ever been a part of.

I also posted on a forum for the first time today.  Well, posted something that was a legitimate topic and not trolling or trying to win a contest.  I'm full of landmarks today.  Maybe I should put on pants and go fight crime in Tokyo tonight.  There aren't really any violent criminals here, so it's probably the safest place to break into the world of vigilante justice.  Also, if I want to be judge, jury, and executioner of my vigilante laws, I won't have to worry about making any hard decisions.  If I catch someone j-walking, I'll only have to club em a little or something.  No hangings or crossburnings.  Well, maybe one.  Just to set an example for further minor law infractors.

I feel like no one is really reading this, so I'm going to say some offensive things and see if anyone complains.  Maybe if I say some offensive things, I will get reprimanded by the scholarship board and they will revoke my dollah dollah bills yall.  Maybe I should just ramble for a while and then change the subject back to something cool like chocolate chip melon bread and curry and sushi.

I love chocolate chip melon bread, curry, and sushi.  Not all together in some sort of paste.  Not to eat, anyway.  I mean, I wouldn't eat the paste, but I would eat the items individually.  If it was a paste, I would use it to exfoliate my face and make my self look and feel younger.  An individual items, I would eat the curry for lunch and then the bread as a snack and the sushi for an early dinner.  I'm reasonably sure that my writing today is making so little sense that if anyone is reading it, they won't anymore.  I promise that I will come up with something awesome tomorrow.  Or, I will try to make my ramblings make more sense and possibly be entertaining.


  1. I am reading it and saying something offensive would be funny but I would probably worry about the scholarship stuff too. Although, you do talk about the defeated look that strippers have in one of your previous blogs... I'm not sure if that is offense but it is funny. Oh and I like curry too and I wanna be a booth babe ^_^ Lol. I don't think that I would feel degraded or anything I think it sounds like fun... getting paid to look cute and play video games! I freakin' got this!!

  2. What manga did you buy? And where are the photos of the manga store?
