Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lazy days.

It wasn't my intention to do nothing today.  I, in fact, awoke with the intention of going with the adults to their matsuri(festival).  It wasn't until I left the dorm to get coffee with the roomate and discovered that it was hot as hades outside and a bajillion percent humidity that I decided I was going to stay a fairly comfortable distance from the dorm.  Also, my stomach decided it was pissed, so that was another reason to stay home.  In Tokyo, it's not all that easy to find a public restroom, I've discovered.  And the cops, having no real crime to deal with, will arrest you for peeing on someone's fence even though you're in an ally where no one should have seen you.

We did end up wandering around a little bit, after all.  It seems strange to me that wandering around Tokyo is starting to seem like a mundane daily exercise.  I haven't eaten at the same restaurant twice.  I have only been to the 100 yen store a few times, but I cover a fair chunk of ground every day.  Maybe it's time that I stop being a chicken and start ranging around Tokyo on the subway.  I still haven't been to Harajuku or Akihabara or any of the really famous places.  Perhaps tomorrow.

I took a bath just before writing this.  Not a shower.  A bath.  I abhor baths.  The very act is disgusting and repulses me just to think of it.  That being said, my legs hurt and I thought soaking in the water would help.  It may have, but I'm not sure the price I payed was worth the relief:  I discovered that I have manifested no less than 40 new freckles on my arms and hands.  As it turns out, exposure to the sun causes me to gain freckles.  There still aren't any on my face, but maybe my arms will overload and they will break passed the neck barrier and start covering my face.  I'm not sure I am prepared for such an occurrence.  I fear the roving bands of citizens brought together under the banner of self defense to wrongfully persecute me.  If you prick me, do I not bleed?

This all seemed a lot more interesting when I was going over it in my head in the bathtub.  Yet another thing I can blame bathing for.


  1. This is the greatest book ever Dustyn. When I die can I pay you to write my life's story? Just make sure you don't say anything about the time when...

  2. Can I get an advance on that payment?
