Friday, September 17, 2010

Everywhere is awesome.

We went shopping today and rode the subway all over town.  The primary purpose of said shopping was to obtain a man bag for yours truly.  I am reasonably sure that I am not an actual homophobe, but I will admit that it was not without a little bit of difficulty that I was able to obtain my man bag.  We wandered in and out of almost four hours worth of stores before I found what I considered to be the "right" bag.  Now, I have no idea if the pickiness with which my bag selection process was undertaken is any indication of the degree of femininity residing inside me, but I am somewhat happy to say that I did find a man bag and it was in Yodobashi, of all places.

Yodobashi is like Best Buy, but it has somewhere in the neighborhood of nine floors.  I would hazard a guess that the entirety of Best Buy could fit in the first two floors.  The place has a lot of electronics.  It also has a lot of employees.  On every floor, there is a full checkout staff, along with a person or two whose job it is to bag all of the cashier's customer's orders.  Were it not for the seemingly endless flood of people spilling into the store and the amazing location, I would wonder how they make money at all.  The store is situated right outside of the Akihabara Showa exit/entrance, so a great deal of people walk by it every day.  Most tourists, myself included, don't even need a reason: they just want to see what a 9 floor electronics store is like.

After we got done with all of our(my) shopping, me, my room mate, and Billy returned to my room where I was able to help Kyle get to my house.  Kyle then ripped on me and my friends, took us to eat delicious food, and bought us beer.  It was pretty incredible.  I am very appreciative of Kyle for his awesomeness today.  I really hope that I can get done with my thing tomorrow in a reasonable amount of time so I can attend TGS with him.

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