Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Long weekends.

This weekend was an entire five days long.  I'm told that this is because our school had a festival on Monday and Tuesday and then there was a holiday on Wednesday, but I'm really not completely sure.  Whatever the reason, it was nice to have a break.  It gave me the opportunity to sleep a little bit and to catch up on some conversations with some people at home.  I may or may not have spent a bit of time playing video games.

I believe that we have midterms coming up really soon and I have to say that I'm a little bit worried.  I think that I'm good enough at what I've learned to get a good grade, but being as how we've not had a single test up to this point, it is hard to say.  I really don't know what the test composition is going to be.  The teachers made it sound like it's going to be something like our homework has been, so I've done a fair bit of looking over old homework assignments.  I hope that what I'm doing is enough and I demolish that test.  I'm sure I'll do well, whatever the case: I am pretty incredible after all.

Another thing that my long weekend has afforded me is the opportunity to become friends with one of the other exchange students.  I've spoken with just about everyone at this point and I even know almost everyone's names, but I've yet to have really made many friends.  There's really not many people here that I feel like have my back and I'm not sure how many backs I have, either.  Maybe I'm just jaded, but it takes me a long time to really like someone enough to call them a friend.  I mean, it takes at least 2-3 months for someone to prove to me they're real and not a figment of my imagination.

But, I digress.

I spent a lot of time bothering Jasmine during the long weekend and, as it turns out, we have very similar interests and things worth talking about.  I mean, she likes Nick and I like Nick, she likes video games and I like video games, she hates the hill next to the dorm and I hate the hill next to our dorm.  She doesn't play MMOs, but that's probably a good thing.  She, starting today, has began helping me go on walks; which is to say, making me go on walks.  I'm hoping that the whole exercise thing speeds up my becoming less hunormous.  It should.  I really do need a track suit and athletic shoes, though.  Need.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made someone you could call a friend on your break!
