Saturday, August 28, 2010

it's the final countdown

The four people that read this now have a song stuck in their had that will never leave.  I also have that song lodged in my brain.  Such is the price of making such a clever and witty title.  Maybe I'm the only one, but does it feel like a song that is in your head isn't really in your head?  To me, it feels like the song is flying around my head like some electrons circling my brain nucleus.  It's a subtle difference, but it's there.

Anyway, it is now 10 days til I leave for Japan.  Almost exactly 10 days, as I write this.  I have my plane ticket, all my papers filled out and signed, all my friends said bye to me, and I just realized that I haven't photo-copied my important information to hand out to my trusted peoples to hope they don't steal.  I mean, that's practically done.

I wish I knew someone else who had studied abroad.  I have to think that I'm the only person in this situation who stays up all night, too excited to sleep.  I would just feel better if someone else was going through the same mix of insomnia and narcolepsy that has been plaguing me for the last couple weeks.  To be honest, it really isn't that bad.  I did fall asleep and bite my tongue at the same time a week ago.  That was cool.  I had a dream that I had burned my tongue horribly and therefore could not eat or speak.  When I woke up, I was upset to find that my tongue hurt just like it did in my dream.  Maybe I should invest in some ambien.

I'm not real sure why I'm writing this post other than to tell the 5 of you who read this(or say you do) that I may actually post something worth reading soon!  Also, it's late and I thought maybe writing would make me sleepy.

My eyes are starting to droop, so I'm going to see where this takes me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Omg waiting sucks

Well, it's getting down to the last month before I leave and I feel like I'm going insane.  My car broke down and I can't justify the expense of fixing it when I'm leaving so soon, so I spend most of my time stranded at home, bored.  Because I'm bored, I'm left to just think about my upcoming trip and, while I'm very excited about it, my obsessing over it has led to the manifestation of fears that I don't need.  Such as, karaoke.  What if I go to a bar in Tokyo and then a bunch of happy drunk Japanese businessmen buy me drinks and make me get on stage?  Now that I actually write it out, I kind of feel silly.  I mean, if I get on stage, I'm pretty sure the biggest risk I'm facing is slight embarrassment and I'm reasonably sure it would be awesome, still.  To be fair, the obsessing has also led to me realizing things that I should buy that I maybe wouldn't have thought of(like hangers and a coffee press).

I received an email from the MSU financial aid office today saying that one of the grants I get every semester was pretty much cut in half.  I mean, I pretty much have my money situation figured out, but I would really appreciate it if things stop trying to become complicated.  If I have to sell a kidney, I'm still going to Japan, so it's in luck's best interest to stop trying to mess with me because I'm not backing off.  I'm just saying that luck is wasting precious sabotage resources on me and should move on to some other person with less resolve.

It really is coming up fast, though.  I have a week and a half left at my job and my going away party is coming up in like 2 weeks.  It's hard to believe that something I've been working towards for the passed 2 years is finally happening.  Not only is it happening, but I have yet to have sabotaged myself out of it!

Anyway, I just figured I'd check in because it's been a while.