Monday, June 7, 2010

Omg scholarship winning

So, last week I got a letter saying that I wasn't going to be receiving scholarship funds from one out of the two places I had applied for scholarship money.  As a result, I have spent the past week depressed and frustrated because I felt that the application that I had turned in was well done and that I should have been rewarded the scholarship.  On top of that, I acknowledged the fact that the second scholarship I applied for and had not been rewarded was a harder scholarship:  it had 2 essays for me to write and it had a bunch of follow-up stuff that I had to do in order to win it.  Normally, I am very confident about this sort of thing, but my email decided to sort the webinar emails I received as garbage, so I filled out my scholarship information very much blind.  In any event, it turned out that the scholarship board like it, because I received an email today from the Gilman Scholarship people congratulating me on my winning!  They are giving me $5000 for my trip, so now all I need to do is pay my bills and pack my bags and get ready!  I will still work as much as I can, but I doubt I'll be working anymore 12 hour shifts without a break.  Alright, now I'm going to go accept this scholarship and watch more anime. ><;

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