Tuesday, June 29, 2010

i'm bad at this: a picture of the envelope

A picture of the envelope that my stuff came in.  I thought it was neat.

so i guess i'm just waiting now o.o;

Well, I finally received the last of my paperwork for my Visa in the mail yesterday, so I spent today on a seemingly endless quest to fill out and mail all of that paperwork.  This makes me wonder, yet again, why nothing is easy.  It sounds simple enough: fill out papers, put in envelope, mail.  Why isn't it?  I did all of my work.  I went to the Japanese Embassy website and looked up all of their information on turning in my passport for my visa.  I gathered all of the materials that were required of me and realized that the information that the website said to gather did not amount to the same information that Toyo had said that I needed to send.  I decided that I would be better off calling the embassy and making sure they didn't need the extra paperwork that Toyo told me that they needed.  Well, I got tossed around from person to person until I ended up speaking with a very irate sounding Japanese man who couldn't understand me very well.  I thought that was funny because the words that he couldn't understand were words that I knew in Japanese, but I couldn't do the entire conversation in Japanese, so I was afraid to say them.  Anyway, after he finally figured out what I was asking and that I actually had the paperwork he needed, he wasn't mad at me anymore; he then focused his ire on Toyo.  He told me that I needed to call them and have them change their forms immediately.  Everything else went quite smoothly, but it was very frustrating that the first Japanese person I talked to was pissed at me.

TLDR:  I turned in my paperwork and got yelled at by a Japanese man from the embassy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Omg scholarship winning

So, last week I got a letter saying that I wasn't going to be receiving scholarship funds from one out of the two places I had applied for scholarship money.  As a result, I have spent the past week depressed and frustrated because I felt that the application that I had turned in was well done and that I should have been rewarded the scholarship.  On top of that, I acknowledged the fact that the second scholarship I applied for and had not been rewarded was a harder scholarship:  it had 2 essays for me to write and it had a bunch of follow-up stuff that I had to do in order to win it.  Normally, I am very confident about this sort of thing, but my email decided to sort the webinar emails I received as garbage, so I filled out my scholarship information very much blind.  In any event, it turned out that the scholarship board like it, because I received an email today from the Gilman Scholarship people congratulating me on my winning!  They are giving me $5000 for my trip, so now all I need to do is pay my bills and pack my bags and get ready!  I will still work as much as I can, but I doubt I'll be working anymore 12 hour shifts without a break.  Alright, now I'm going to go accept this scholarship and watch more anime. ><;