Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oh August, you fickle bitch.

So, it's coming into the final countdown for Dustyn in Japan part deux and it has been exciting!  I am pretty sure I have all of the things that I need to bring, but they are spread across several houses and/or cars, so it is very difficult to take any sort of inventory.  I'm pretty sure I don't care if I forget some stuff, but I am sure that anything I forget will be terribly important, so I can take some solace in that knowledge.  Everyone I know seems to be getting incredibly tired of listening to me talk about Japan, but I can't stop so I appreciate their not kicking me in the face.  They usually stare at me with half bored expressions on their faces, waiting for me to finish so that they can desperately attempt to change the subject.  I am definitely running the risk of offending some people here; my friends could be looking at me with great interest, but now they know that I think they look like dullards.  Oh well.  No one reads this blog anyway.

In any event, August has been a bastard of a month.  I found out my financial aid was $5000 less than I thought it was going to be.  It was mostly my fault, but it was definitely something of a miscommunication from the financial aid department.  I thought that when they were setting my need to a certain amount, that meant that my student loans would increase to compensate.  As it turns out, they were simply making room for the scholarships that I would have gotten if I were better at school.  I'll be honest.  I'm not sure that I actually have enough money to go to Japan at this point.  I mean, if I work the numbers, I have barely enough, but I don't think I'm going to let that stop me.  I figure that I can just eat less and try to find a job.  (If you are someone from Meiji, disregard the part about me getting a job.) I've been trying to find a cosigner for a supplemental student loan, but that hasn't been happening so I figure I'll just try to sell a kidney and then if that fails, I'll just be poor.  I forget who gave me the advice, but someone told me, "It's better to be poor in Japan than poor in Missouri."  I'm not sure if that statement is actually true, but I'm pretty sure I'm about to test it out.

So, I think I'm going to go ahead and start updating this blog more often.  I'm planning on posting at least three times a week in Japan.  For real this time.  I stopped posting at some point last time, and I'm not really sure why.  I definitely regret it, so I'm going to make sure that I don't have that regret again.  My laptop is pretty poop, so it's not like it does much more than surf porn and allow me to post awesome posts for no one to read on my blog, right?

As always, I refuse to proofread.