Friday, February 11, 2011


It snowed today.  I mean, it snowed once before, but it was at night and none of it stuck.  This time it snowed all day long and some of it actually stuck!  It wasn't much, but there were still patches of grass and trees, still green with foliage, with snow covering them.  It's funny the effect that it had.  I'll admit that once I realized that the winter here was so mild as to be non-existent, I was happy because I thought that I was going to skip an entire winter.  I didn't really think that winter would be something that I would miss from home, but when they got their big snow recently, I was upset that I missed it.  I've been a part of a hundred snows and it never occurred to me that I actually liked them and would miss them.  I was very happy to see snow here and I feel comforted from having walked around in it and felt it falling.

The snow seemed to effect Tokyo, too.  I mean, it was a pretty heavy snowfall, but the roads and sidewalks were staying clear and I still saw almost no cars out driving around.  I still saw people walking around like normal, but they were all bundled up and had their umbrellas out.  I'm fairly used to people acting like it's freezing when it's barely chilly, but I've never seen people using umbrellas in snow.  That being said, I wonder if people would use umbrellas in snow at home if they were doing more than walking from their car to their destination.  Probably.

It's been two and a half weeks since break started and I'm starting to crack up a bit.  I've been spending more of my time in the dorm, playing video games.  I haven't really felt like going out exploring, but I'm wondering if maybe I should anyway for no other reason than I know that if I don't I'll regret it.  I'm sure that whatever I find will be awesome and new and interesting and I really do want to see new and interesting things, but I've been in the grips of a horrible apathy and it's hard to care about that sort of thing.  I'm sure that if I could get myself to go out, I would have fun and then I'd want to do it again and the apathy would fade, but maybe I'm too much of a coward to let my apathy fade.  Maybe I want to hide behind my apathy and not experience anything more than I have to.  Of course, it doesn't help that I don't have very much moneys.  I should go to Shinjuku at night and turn tricks.