Thursday, April 22, 2010

More stuff

So far, the stuff that I have had to worry about the most for my study away trip are all the things I don't know about and then sneak up on me and the things that I was told and forgot about until the deadline.  Today I got an email with a reminder about a perfect example.  In order to study abroad, you need to get an ISIC card which is, basically, an international ID card that gets you little perks and life insurance.  Well, I forgot to do the application or get a picture made for it, so now I'm once again up against a deadline and in a hurry to do stuff.  I am glad that it's my fault this time, at least.

I hope that I have cooler stuff to post soon.. still getting used to the whole blog thing :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

School is almost done!

I'm almost done with my last semester in the states before my trip! I've finished all my paperwork (i think) and now all I have to do is wait until May 1st to see if the study abroad office is going to have more stuff for me to do. So sick. Now all I gotta do is work a gazillion hours over the summer and I'll be set! Oh. And buy a plane ticket.

Also, this is a test. My first blog post ever... someone break out the bubbly.